Salem Presbytery Annual Budget
“Reaching, Growing and Sending Disciples”
Listening to the churches and leadership from those churches who serve on Salem committees, the Council and staff shares with you this vision for ministry in 2012. We encourage your participation in the conversation.
Our Plan of Ministry
A. To REACH out to our community as a visible witness of Jesus Christ
a. Our current work:
i. Together we support 2 current new church developments. One, El Buen Pastor, is the fastest growing church in our presbytery, growing 20% a year.
ii. Together we support ministry candidates who will fill the pulpits of our churches in the future. 17 candidates and 13 inquirers receive financial support for their studies. As Salem presbytery, we also provide a portion of their psychological testing expenses.
iii. Together we provide a facility that supports meetings and activities and a place for staff to meet and work. Our building is a visible sign to North Carolina of our existence.
iv. Together we support Campus Ministry salaries, providing a visible connection between our congregations and students. Many students explore their faith connections during this time, and we witness to the grace we have through Jesus Christ.
v. The staff we employ work in Salem churches, central NC and at the regional and national levels to reach out as visible witnesses.
b. Current budget @ 245,000 (rounded)
(This total includes a percentage of salaries and other expenses supporting our REACH ministry.)
c. Our vision for next year includes:
i. Providing a modest raise (3%) for our staff who have worked diligently for four years with no raises. (This, however, requires no raise in the expense line due to staffing redesign.)
ii. Providing more scholarship support to our Candidates and Inquirers to meet the requested need. (Helping our theological students graduate debt-free increases their ability to serve our smaller congregations.) ($35,000)
iii. Being able to provide support for churches in transition and for the possible exploration and support of Salem churches who recognize the need for a Presbyterian presence in a community and answer God’s call to seed new churches. ($25,000)
iv. Providing a modest raise (3%) for our staff who have worked diligently for four years with no raises. (@$2000)
d. The budget with our visioning @307,000
B. To EQUIP and strengthen our congregations and leaders for ministry in the world
a. Our current work:
i. Regular meetings for fellowship, support, and training for CLP’s and interims.
ii. ACTS 16:5 Initiative training and support for transformation and renewal in Salem churches.
iii. Youth retreats providing leadership opportunities for youth through Presbyterian Youth Connection as well as the retreat opportunity.
iv. A resource center for churches and their people in partnership with the Moravian Church in Winston-Salem.
v. Training and support through regular workshops at Presbytery meetings
vi. Staff support for training and leadership in congregations.
vii. Training and leadership opportunities for program and support staff and volunteer leaders.
viii. Working with congregations toward healthy congregational life, believing that healthy congregations are better able to focus on mission and ministry. (This includes COM work.)
ix. Support for Camp Grier.
x. Uniquely skilled staff support for African American congregations.
b. Current budget @ 348,000
(This total includes a percentage of salaries and other expenses supporting our EQUIP ministry.)
c. Our vision:
i. Support of the Equip Associate position as Diana merges her work with the Equip position
ii. Providing a modest raise (3%) for our staff who have worked diligently for four years with no raises. (@$4000)
iii. Support for the presbytery part of ACTS Initiative training ($15,000)
d. The budget with our visioning: @ 367,000
C. To inspire and model local and global mission (SEND):
a. Our current work together:
i. Staff and volunteer support of our Mexico mission partnership.
ii. Participation and leadership in the NC Council of Churches.
iii. Provision of uniquely skilled staff support for Hispanic Ministry.
iv. Provision of travel expenses for the Hunger Action Advocate.
v. Prison ministry support (salary)
vi. Required support of our regional and national mission (@253,000)
b. Current budget @308,000
(This total includes a percentage of salaries and other expenses supporting our SEND ministry.)
c. Our vision is:
i. Work toward supporting the Hunger Action Advocate’s entire salary from the operating fund so that all donations to hunger funds are used directly to alleviate hunger. (@$15,000)
ii. Restore our giving to GA Mission to 10% of our operating budget. (a zero line item currently) ($25,000…1/4 of the way there)
iii. Provide financial support for local church mission. ($10,000)
iv. Providing a modest raise (3%) for our staff who have worked diligently for four years with no raises. (@$5,000)
d. Our budget with visioning @363,000
D. Our support budget for our primary ministries (SUPPORT):
a. Our current work:
i. Maintaining office space and supplies for staff and volunteers
ii. Travel expenses for staff and volunteers
iii. Support staff salaries
iv. Council and committee expenses
b. Current budget @ 359,000
c. Our vision is:
i. 3% raises for support staff (@7,000)
d. Our budget with visioning @$366,000
The total budget for our vision of mission and ministry together in 2012 is @ $1,403,000.