Monday, June 6, 2011

I Understand...

I went to a meeting on Saturday.  First, it was Saturday.  Meeting...Saturday.  And it was morning.  Not in the heat of the day, but in the beautiful part of the morning.  Saturday meetings.  Bleh.

Everyone else seemed to be in the same mind-set.  The energy level in the room defined negative number.  The news was not good.  Everyone was in the same boat...the sinking one.  Sighs abounded.  People gave it a try, but it just didn't seem to be getting anyone anywhere.

But there was a child.  The attendees were invited to stand and introduce themselves and tell what church they were from.  They did.  80% of the way through, the child stands up.  She raises her hand.  She states her name and church.  We laugh...amazed at her bravery, her energy, her sense of self.  Introductions are finished.  An older man is asked to pray to open the meeting.  He does.

Meeting business is accomplished.  Our human efforts seem to fall flat.  There is always a bigger problem than any proposed solution.  The invoking of the Spirit at the beginning does not seem to have worked.  We are glad the meeting is over.  We will take our weary selves and spirits home and attempt to distract ourselves from the hole we are in.

The moderator asks for someone to close in prayer.  Eyes hit the floor.  He asks again.  And there was a child.  Her feet hit the floor and her hand shot into the air again.  He called her by name, asked if she wanted to pray with the tonality that allowed her to back out if she wanted.


This child stand in front of 30 tired adults, folds her hands in front of her face, and prays us out.  I have no idea what words she used, but she spoke with passion and confidence.  

I understand.  That's why I will do whatever it takes to tithe--because there is a child.  That's why I will teach Sunday school and attend worship and pray for all I am worth--because there is a child.  That is why I will attend meetings on Saturdays and why I will tell the world what gives my life meaning and purpose, what keeps me focused on others and not myself.  There is a child.  

This precious child...she was five...she exhibited the faith we all should have.  She gifted us with a fearless, feckless faith that embedded itself so deeply in my soul that all I can say is...I understand.

I would have given my life on Saturday, I would give it today, for the child who knew what  loving God was all about.  I understand.  This life of faith is about saying our names, praying our prayers, greeting our neighbors, living for our God.  

With God's help, I will give my life for the child...for all the children, those who know God and those who need to know God...and for all those children, young and old, that God puts in my path.

I understood.  I understand.  

Do you?

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