Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here are some interesting numbers for you.  Add up the amount your church gives in undesignated contribution plus the "per capita" for synod and GA of $7.43.  Divide the total by the number of active members in your congregation.  That is the dollar amount you give per member per year.  

This information was sent to clerks of sessions with the commitment materials and forms.  Questions?  Give me a call...336.847.2280.   

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Say Thank You

Asking people to make a commitment to the work of your church's ministry in 2012.  Received a promise? Then do what your momma taught you and say "Thank You!"  Gather a group of folks to hand-write a note.  Use the following as a guide, filling in your congregation's ministries instead of ours. Personalize the notes by writing to people you know and choosing two or three ministries they are connected with.  Believe me, your congregants are receiving thank-yous for every other donation they make.  Let them know they are making a difference to the kingdom of God.

·      Thank you for your financial commitment to the mission and ministry of ___ church. 
·      Your gift makes possible our
o  Nurture of children and youth in the faith that nurtured us
o  Support for addiction services in our community
o  Feeding the hungry through Mobile Meals, food pantries, West End ministries
o  Mission trips to partner in service outside our local community
o  Work with sister churches in Salem Presbytery who minister with us in central North Carolina
o  Nurture of discipleship through Bible study and fellowship
o  Support of young families and their children.
o  Support of people traveling through major life transitions.
o  Proclamation of the Word in reformed worship in the High Point community
o  Promise to be a provisional representation of God in our world, living and serving together as Jesus taught.
·      We trust with you, that your commitment to God will strengthen your faith and bring you joy in the coming year.
Member                           Pastor

You have committed __________  weekly     monthly. (To be filled in by the financial secretary/treasurer.)