Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Ideas...

Some stewardship ideas from Pat Patrick at New Creation Presbyterian Church:

The following are suggestions and ideas to incorporate into any stewardship campaign or program. These may not fit or be appropriate for all churches. They are offered to spark creative conversations on stewardship.

This story is shared for a stewardship theme:
     A woman loved fresh flowers. Every week she stopped at a Florist. The woman would purchase $20.00 to $25.00 worth of fresh flowers for herself. They gave her “joy” and were “uplifting” for her spirit.
     This woman could not give up her flowers. So she decided she could give up other extras such as her daily trips to the vending machines at work. She also could pack her lunch to give up those fast food meals daily. And, she was willing to cook more dinners at home for her family than going “out” so often.
Stewardship is about sacrificing something you can do without to bring life’s energy and joy to others. Stewardship does not seek to take life’s energy and joy away from us.


Sometimes the idea is “if we build it, they will give”. The movie “Field of Dreams” worked on camera, but... No one wants to wake up to a mortgage payment that can’t be paid. No one wants to lose members over the building. It’s not about the building, it’s about the relationships.

Prioritizing relationships is ULTIMATE stewardship:
                 GOD - CHURCH - CONGREGATION

WHERE IS OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD? Have we “loved” one another outside our church walls as Christ loved the least, less, and the lost?

Matthew 14: 28,29
“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”  “Come,” he said.

STEP  OUT  OF  THE  BOAT with  FAITH is a stewardship theme. Making a large fishing boat on a sea of waves. Seeing a hand reaching down to the water in front of the boat.


What makes us share and give our financial support to our church ??

                  Not Salary Increases.
                  Not Administration Increases.

Repairs and Maintenance are necessary, but not exciting stewardship. These can be planned as a separate smaller appeal for such projects.

Giving and sacrificing to outreach of our brothers and sisters locally and globally lights the fires in our hearts.



To be alive; change and growth happen. Nothing is ‘alive’ unless it changes and grows. Plants, animals, humans and congregations change and grow as part of the cycle of life.

Is your church alive? Has your church changed? Has your church grown in their outreach ministry?

“We’ve always done it this way.”   “It’s up to the individual.” “Ourselves first.”  These statements and many more extinguish the fire of stewardship.

FIXED   INCOME           

We hear the phrase “fixed income”All of us live on a ‘fixed income’ unless we work on commission.

The older generations want to reduce or pay off the debt. Many lost their savings and interest in these last few years of banking or corporate turmoil. The younger generation requires two working to support the family. Volunteers are harder to recruit. Mothers aren’t at home during the day. Job security is no more. Words like “lay-offs”, “part-time”, and “no benefits” are common day terms. Uncertainty is a dark cloud over many. 

“FEAR NOT.......BE NOT AFRAID.”  “BELIEVE IN THE LORD YOUR GOD.”  Remember the many times in your life, that God was present. Tell stories of faith, written or verbal. TRUST is
built on FAITH. And it is with FAITH that STEWARDSHIP is a success.



Some churches are changing the date of their stewardship campaign. In the fall, October/November, when our minds and pocketbooks are thinking of Christmas, travel, and spending money. In the SPRING, April/May, we look at our annual income for taxes. The pressure of Christmas is over. Our positive outlook is to “New Life” promised by the celebration of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for each of us.



Let us not forget, ‘the generous givers’ in our congregations--those folks that give freely and joyfully. Those who ‘give more than enough’ for small campaigns and special requests during the year. Those ‘generous givers’ who give with dedication and commitment faithfully on a weekly/biweekly/monthly offering. A ‘generous giver’ is alive and strives to follow Christ in love.  
             Celebrate generosity where you find it!!
       Be a ‘Generous Giver’ Stewardship Campaign!



Exodus 16:4 “Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day....”

What is enough? What can we give up for Lent? (And longer for our church.) Each year, we are encouraged to “fast” or give up something for Lent. Six weeks of doing without chocolates, lattes, movies, etc. This year, “FAST” or GIVE UP the money you would have spent on your chocolate, lattes, movies, etc.

Consider the following weekly ledger for week #__ in Lent:

                        MY LIST OF GIVING FOR LENT

$_______Candy, Coffees, Sodas, Snacks
$_______Fast Food Meals
$_______Dinner Meals Out           
$_______Books, magazines, video games, CD’s, DVD’s, movies
$              TOTAL giving for week #____ in Lent